Bitchin’ ’bout Bangkok!

Bangkok is… well, let’s just say it’s a busy city! Bangkok is to tourists/backpackers, what a beehive is to bees, or a seedy club to under 18s on a Friday night. You remember the place? Good! That is essentially Bangkok with westerners.

I’ve been to touristy places before, but never anything like this. Westerners are herded like sheep through the entrance gates of temple after temple, to see amazing, wondrous things, whilst surrounded by thousands of other gawking westerners! Ok, so at this point you can point out the huge hypocrisy of this post. I am of course a tourist! My camera hanging eagerly around my neck, sweat dripping down my reddening face as I gaze upon the wonders laid before me. However, I am also British! Which, if sticking to stereotypes, allows me to have a moan from time to time. For that reason, Bangkok was a little bit of a huge disappointment!

So instead of an insightful post into the many attractions and delights of Thailand’s capital, here are my top 5 tips on how to survive it:

1. Just buy the damn suit

For anyone who has been to the legendary Kao San road, I’m sure one of the main things that stuck with you is the delightful suit salesman. Oh yes, in the million degree heat these guys will joyfully come to you and charm you into their shops with the promise of air-con and a cool drink, only to discuss business attire which you’d surely drench on your walk home. This may not be so bad if you weren’t stopped 50 times in the same 300m stretch.

Now, you can barter these guys down fairly low (which makes me think they still make a killing), and I guarantee when you get home and receive that wedding invite you’ll wish you had. So, my advice, buy the suit and walk down that street like a boss! Who’s gonna’ stop you now!

2. Middle of the market

Along with Chinatown, the best part of Bangkok was easily the Chatuchak weekend market (also spelt Jatujak). This is the largest market in Thailand at a huge 35 acres. With over 15,000 stalls you’re truly spoilt for choice, and can easily get lost. But before you worry about losing your way, head a little deeper into this shopping heaven and you will be rewarded as prices drop dramatically.

Yes that’s right, even just 2 to 3 rows behind the outer stalls, you can get similar or even the same products for half the price. I can only speculate that the sheer number of tourists on the outer edges has made the stall owners immune to standard bartering techniques. They just don’t budge! In the middle however, you’re treated to lesser crowds, cheaper goodies, great food, and some pretty interesting artworks!

Delicious paella in the Chatuchak market

Delicious paella in the Chatuchak market

Monks for sale

Monks for sale

'nuf said!

‘nuf said!


3. Beg, borrow and steal

Ok, so forget the last one… and the first for that matter, but hear me out. For those of you who haven’t been to Thailand before, you may not be aware that you need to cover up before entering many of the temples, and the palace. This is just one of the many cultural differences you have to accept when visiting another country. However, what you needn’t accept is the extortionately priced pyjamas that are sold opposite all of these sites.

This is a great trap for panicking tourists, worried that they won’t get to see that golden Buddha, or the inside of the Grand Palace. Now I know you’d look fantastic in those elephant print, cotton genie pants… but are you really going to wear them when you get back to your dull everyday life? Didn’t think so!

The truth is, that many of these sights offer genie pants (not sure of the real name) and/or scarves FREE to borrow whilst you look around. Yes, that’s right! You don’t have to pay 5 times the entry price for a cheap pair of trousers you’ll probably give as a joke gift.

Not quite the stairway to heaven

Not quite the stairway to heaven

Attention to detail in the Grand Palace

Attention to detail in the Grand Palace

Rooftops, the Grand Palace

Rooftops, the Grand Palace


4. Tik-tok Tuk Tuk

There are a few ways to get around Bangkok. The cheapest, if you forget walking, is the bus. Of course, unless you know the routes these can be very tricky. The tube offers a service to some areas, but is lacking where the main sites are concerned. So, that of course leaves taxis, and the famous tuk tuk.

Tuk tuks

Tuk tuks


Tuk tuks are fantastic fun, and a great way to see the city, but unless you find ones that will take you to 3 or 4 sites for an agreed upon price, they can be costly. I had drivers quoting me 150 baht for a short ride. If you hear this, just say no and laugh it off.

Taxis will do much the same, unless you get yourself into a meter taxi!

Meter taxis are easy to spot. They’re the ones where the driver doesn’t shout numbers at you. My first 2 days in Bangkok I was oblivious, and just thought that was the cost. However, after a ride in a meter taxi costing 30 baht (150 baht the day before) I was finally educated. Save your money for the markets, and look out for this taxi!



No guns!

No guns!


5. Get out!

If you like being over charged, herded about, sold stuff you don’t want or need, and you enjoy they constant fear of being pickpocketed, then by all means stay in Bangkok!

However, if you agree with me, the best advice I can give you is to get out by any means necessary!

Thailand is an awesome country, with so much going on. You could venture north to Chiang Mai, and experience a bustling city with a fraction of the tourism, or lose yourself on one of the many islands that litter the coasts. Whether it’s by bus, plane, boat or train, get out and enjoy Thailand, and don’t base your opinion on Bangkok!

Koh Chang sunset

Koh Chang sunset

Island getaway

Island getaway



So you call yourself a blogger?! A Hong Kong story

Given the past many months of not very much, I think it would be a long shot to call myself an avid blogger. There are those that post everyday, with quick quips on daily life. Others that amaze us with their incredible imagery and profound ideas on a weekly basis. There are some who blog monthly just to let people know what’s going on in their lives. I am currently none of these.

So, forgive me readers for I have sinned! It has been 11 months since my last (non lazy) post! Since then I have done many amazing things, travelled to wonderful places, and had an all round incredible time! For that reason, I will now catch you all up (those still reading… thanks mum!)



I’ve wanted to visit Australia since I was in my early teens, and having worked in China for a full year I finally had enough cash to make it possible. However, I also fancied a bit of south-east Asia. Hong Kong was calling!

I packed up my things, said goodbye for now to all my friends, and early one morning, headed to the airport with my Girlfriend. CANCELLED!!!

All you want to hear before setting off into the lesser known, but being the laid back person that I am (most of the time) we spent our time riding around on airport trolleys. Being a big kid is always more fun.

Eventually we made it onto a plane and jetted off to the amazing city that is Hong Kong. We were amazed by what awaited us. The bright lights on a whole new level to Shenyang.

The colourful streets of Hong Kong

The colourful streets of Hong Kong

We roamed the streets for a while looking for food, eventually giving up and going to the first noodle place we’d seen. Then, exhausted by the days travel, returned to our reasonably comfy hostel bed and passed out.

Day 1

Rising the next day, we eagerly made our way to the supermarket for brunch and sandwich making materials. A brief pause to stuff our faces and then we were on our way to the Peak Tram, Octopus cards in hand. If you ever visit this yourself, don’t be put off by the queue. It moves fairly quickly and is well worth the wait. As you can see below the tram is packed like a… well, packed like a Chinese tram I guess. The steep climb is made all the more fun because of it. Standing high at the front to take this picture, I almost flew down into the arms of the dear old chap at the front there.

Passengers on the Peak Tram

Passengers on the Peak Tram

Unfortunately my photography fell short at this point, if helped a little by the smog. However, it is an incredible feeling being on terra firma, looking down on the colossal towers of Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong skyline from The Peak Tower

The Hong Kong skyline from The Peak Tower

Not content with the skyline, we took a stroll further up and around the mountain. The crowds disappear instantly, apparently unconcerned with a bit of exploration. This worked for us as we traversed around on the Governors walk. A small path with quaint lamps and benches, hidden mostly by overgrown tropical foliage, which breaks to reveal stunning views of Hong Kong’s south side.

Sunset on Victoria Peak

Sunset on Victoria Peak

Day 2

A trip to Hong Kong wouldn’t be complete without seeing the Tian Tan Buddha (The Giant Buddha) and the Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island. We took a pleasant train ride to the base of the mountain and queued up (much longer this time) for the gondola to the top. The ride is pleasant and the views plentiful, but my eyes were continuously drawn to the path below. Cutting in and out of the treeline, up and down between ridges and gullies, it looked to be a long but exciting walk. Next time!

Arriving at the top you are met with what can only be described as the Las Vegas of monasteries. Ok maybe not quite, but the place has clearly been polished and rebuilt to turn it into 100% tourist attraction. I’m not entirely sure what I expected, but if you fancy getting off the beaten track, Hong Kong is not your destination.

We had booked ourselves on a boat ride around the Tai O fishing town, so headed over to the busses and made our way down the mountain. The town was bustling when we arrived, but quieted down as we ventured further in. The small streets and drying fish making for an exciting wander.

A Chinese family in Tai O

A Chinese family in Tai O

Fish drying in the street

Fish drying in the street

Local transport

Local transport

After exploring we jumped on a boat. Boat rides are always fun, and this was no exception! We weaved our way through the stilted homes and restaurants, then opened up the engines as we breached into open water.

Back on dry land, and up the mountain in the bus, we finally made our way to the base of the famous stairway to the Giant Buddha. Those Brits among you may remember it from “An Idiot Abroad”. So we made our way up, enjoying ourselves much more the Karl Pilkington, enjoying the amazing sight both up and down.

The Tian Tan Buddha

The Tian Tan Buddha

It was a truly exhausting day… so far! On our way back, as we still hadn’t seen the Hong Kong lights, we stopped of on the Kowloon river bank and watched this…

Hong Kong light show

Hong Kong light show

Hong Kong reflected

Hong Kong reflected

Next time… Thailand!

North Korea in pictures

North Korea has been a hot topic worldwide in recent weeks. Headlines are a plenty, Kim Jong Un is receiving visits from the likes of Dennis Rodman, and nuclear missiles are being prepared to level the ROK and Guam. So, being a short way north of the border, I thought I might go have a little peek.

Yes, that’s right! Myself and 2 friends took a little trip down to Dandong (A Chinese city on the border with North Korea) over the Qing Ming holiday…

Writer’s block is a b*tch! Dandong was nice, seeing Korea was amazing! Here are some photo’s.


Looking over the Yalu River

Looking over the Yalu River

Chinese tourists in front of the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge

Chinese tourists in front of the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge

A pier between the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge and the Yalu Jiang Duan Qiao bridge

A pier between the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge and the Yalu Jiang Duan Qiao bridge

Yalu Jiang Duan Qiao bridge

Yalu Jiang Duan Qiao bridge

The Ferris Wheel

The Ferris Wheel

The next group of photos were taken from within North Korea, on a boat trip for 50RMB. Yes that’s right! For only £5 you can pop over the border.

A North Korean dock

A North Korean dock

A North Korean souvenir salesman

A North Korean souvenir salesman

A cyclist

A cyclist

A ferry between Korean islands

A ferry between Korean islands

A Korean village

A Korean village

A Korean villager watches the tour boats

A Korean villager watches the tour boats

Myself, Dane and Alex in North Korean waters

Myself, Dane and Alex in North Korean waters

Beijing for New Year!

It’s clear I’m way behind on being up to date with this blog. So it’s time for a bit of back-tracking. After having been here for just a couple of months it was time to go check out the Chinese capital. So on New Years Eve, having just finished may last shift of 2012, myself and Dane (check out his blog here) went straight to the train station on our way to Beijing 🙂

This is where the quickest game of “Where’s Wally?”, of all time, must have occurred! I had arrived 20 minutes before Dane, and soon received a call from him

Dane: “Where are you bud?”

Joe (Standing): “I’m…”

Dane: “Ah I see you”

This was from about 50 metres, across a huge waiting room filled with what must have been at least 1,000 people. Being the only pale, white Brit among them seems to make things easier when being looked for. I’m screwed if we ever play hide and seek!

Soon after though, we were on our way, and eager to get there. If any of you have been on a train in China, you’ll know that it can be awful! Crowded trains, 3 people to an already small bench (if you’ve booked a seat), many others standing, and terribly slow. Luckily (or not) we’d both previously experienced this and booked the much speedier D train.

So, at 10.30 on January 31st we arrived in Beijing and jumped on the underground heading for our hostel. Being much older than Shenyang’s Metro, it had more of a London Underground feel to it, ah the smell!

We made it to the Happy Dragon Hostel, ditched our bags, and headed out at 11.30pm in search of a bar. New Year isn’t big in China so we weren’t expecting much, but what would New Year be without a drink in your hand? Desperate for a taxi we befriended some Russians who knew where to go. In all honesty we kind of hijacked their taxi as there wasn’t enough space for them and us, sorry guys! But Dane and I made it, and with plenty of time to spar… Oh, no wait! It’s 12.08! Damn!

So we arrived in 2013 in a taxi! I’ve heard it said that you’ll end the year the way you started it… I started 2013, driving to a bar! Could do a lot worse!

We drank in a Reggae bar, talked with some people, and watched some impromptu salsa before heading back to the hostel. Which it turns out is FREEZING! Now I’ve slept on many tents on various camping trips throughout the year, I’ve been lost in freezing fog on the top of Scaffell Pike, I’ve even swum in an iceberg filled lake in Iceland… But I have never been this cold for this long when I’m tucked up in bed! For those of you travelling to Beijing, think twice about the Happy Dragon if you’re there in winter. After waking up (for the 4th and final time), we made our way out to enjoy the wonders of Beijing.

So, here they are:

There are very few tree's in Shenyang, so I took a picture of some bark

There are very few tree’s in Shenyang, so I brought took a picture of some bark

Jingshan Park 景山公园

Jingshan Park 景山公园

Wenjin Street 文津街

Wenjin Street 文津街

Not a place for the camera shy

Not a place for the camera shy

Chairman Mao and the entrance to the Forbidden Palace

Chairman Mao and the entrance to the Forbidden Palace

Forbidden Palace guard

Forbidden Palace guard

Olympic Park 奥林匹克公园

Olympic Park 奥林匹克公园

A bicycle

A bicycle

A big cauldron in the Forbidden City

A big cauldron in the Forbidden City

Gardens in the Forbidden Palace

Gardens in the Forbidden Palace

Gardens in the Forbidden Palace

Gardens in the Forbidden Palace

Only 4 years late

Only 4 years late

The Birds Nest 鸟巢/Beijing National Stadium 北京国家体育场

The Birds Nest 鸟巢/Beijing National Stadium 北京国家体育场

Beijing was fantastic and I can’t recommend it enough!

So that brings me one step closer to catching you all up. More to come soon!


Slow Sunday

As I sit in my flat with a horrendous hangover, I’m trying to bring myself to write something interesting and exciting for everyone in the west to wake up to. However, after having written and rewritten that first sentence (and this one) 5 times now, it seems my typing skills are directly related to my sobriety! Who could have guessed!?

So instead I’ve decided to give you all a photosummary of China so far. No, not an entire history, just my time here of course. So what have I been up to?


I arrived.


First street I walked through

First street I walked through




Hey, Optimus!

Hey, Optimus!


Watched football (Soccer).

Go 辽小虎!

Go 辽小虎!


Visited Beijing.

Only 4 and a half years late!

Only 4 and a half years late!


Visited Dalian.

Copyright? What's that?

Copyright? What’s that?


Visited Shanghai.




Climbed a mountain.





The Restaurant-Bacon Pie. No bacon, no pie!




Considering a spray-on tan...

Considering a spray-on tan…




Really need that tan!

Really need that tan!


Wore a hat.

Yer Baby!

Yer Baby!


Clearly there’s a lot more to be said. What was it like in Shanghai?  Who won the football (soccer) match? Am I still wearing the hat? And how many Transformers are hiding in China? All this will be answered shortly!

But for now 再见!

Enjoy a relaxing Sunday!



The Lantern Festival

This saturday I went to a lantern festival at Movie Set City (a city built for films), just outside Shenyang. Despite  it being horrendously cold, it was fantastic; one of those events where you have to see it to believe it. So here are some pictures!

P1070109   P1070112





Boom! Shake, shake, shake the room!

As night sets in on a cold Sunday evening in Shenyang, a young man faces the biggest challenge of his weekend. With only 8 hours and 2o short minutes until his alarm brings the start of another week, Joe must attempt… to get some sleep!

Ok, so this isn’t the start of an epic novel or a Hollywood blockbuster. I’m sure you are all in fact disappointed at the sheer mundaneness of  this posts opening paragraphs. After all, where is the challenge in getting some sleep in before work? Well, for those of you outside of a big Chinese city, you may not be aware of the plague that has infested Shenyang today.


Yes that’s right! Those exciting colourful explosions in the sky that most Brits see once a year at an organised event far from any residential area. China is different!

Since the Chinese New year festivals began, there’s been a number of fantastic individual displays of all sizes, all over the country. A particular moment had me in hysterics when some fireworks on a street corner in Nanjing sent my friend jumping 3 feet in the air in shock. But this evening the whole city decided to let loose and set off every firework in China (there are a lot).

It’s been a tremendous sight to behold. Lights flashing across the cityscape, followed shortly by thunderous crashes and a sharp jolt to your body. The city’s lights extended into the dark night sky mingling with the few visible stars. Bursts of lightning reflecting off buildings left right and centre, urging you to find the source. It is quite a spectacle!

However, as pretty and exciting as they are, they immediately lose their awe when set off 20 floors below, exploding “conveniently” 15 feet from my bedroom window!

Good Night!

Shenyang Imperial Palace

When you mention the Imperial Palace to most people (most people with some level of world knowledge at least), the first place to pop into their heads would be the palace at the Forbidden City in Beijing. Up until I came here I was among these people. However, this is not the only Imperial Palace in China. The Mukden Palace (盛京宫殿) is the only other Imperial Palace, and housed the first 3 Qing Emperors from its beginning in 1625 until 1644, and despite its brief use in history, it is a beautiful place well deserved of its UNESCO World Heritage Site status.

Anyway… Enough of the “Wikipedia” babble (thanks Wikipedia), here are some photo’s I took on my last visit.


Please feel free to leave comments or ask questions.

Bowen out!